Monthly archive for April 2016

Traveling for a Medical Procedure Checklist

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Patients travel from around the globe to take advantage of Dr. Burke Robinson’s expertise and experience in facial plastic surgery procedures. If you are one of those patients traveling a significant distance for your procedure, there are ways to ensure your medical trip is as safe and

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Restylane Silk for the Lips

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In the quest for plumper, more sensuous lips, there are many tools in the arsenal today. One of the favorites for patients at Robinson Facial Plastic Surgery is the relatively new Restylane Silk, a smooth solution that adds natural fullness and volume to the pout without excess

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Is a Brow Lift Right for You?

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There are many plastic surgery options that can help you regain a youthful appearance today. One that is widely performed is the endoscopic brow or forehead lift. This surgical procedure effectively lifts a drooping brow and properly repositions it to its appropriate aesthetic position. When performed properly

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Meet the Liquid Facelift

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Facelifts have always been associated with surgical procedures that involve incisions, anesthesia and a recuperation period. However, innovations in injectable treatments have allowed patients with earlier signs of aging to achieve excellent anti-aging results with less discomfort and downtime. Introducing the liquid facelift – a combination of

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