
Chin Up with Kybella Double Chin Treatment

Kybella Double Chin

Double chins aren’t pretty. From aging to weight gain to genetics, multiple factors contribute to how some can develop the appearance of a double chin. While unwanted fat may exist around your chin, the Kybella® Double Chin Treatment is a non-surgical, FDA-approved solution that uses a naturally

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Stop the Clock on Anti-Aging

Light can do wonders on your skin – and we aren’t talking about sunlight. While many factors from sunlight to pollution can wreak havoc to your skin, let’s be honest: we can’t always control how our skin ages. Broadband Light Therapy (BBL) delivers concentrated light energy to

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Don’t Carry the World On Your Face – Consider a Brow Lift

Are you carrying the weight of the world on your face? You can be if you continually have a furrowed brow or wrinkled forehead. And while injectables present some non-surgical alternatives to alleviating stressed-looking brows and foreheads, these options aren’t permanent.  We all want natural-looking results, and

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Take Years of Your Face with Profound Skin Tightening

Elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid are the 3 important elements to the elasticity in your skin. Elastin works with your skin’s collagen to keep your skin firm and smooth. It specifically acts as a spring within the elastic fibers of connective tissue (collagen) within the body. The

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6 Tips to Finding Your Filler Fix

Not everyone has naturally full cheeks and plump lips. And as we age, deep facial creases and wrinkles set in, leading to many of us looking older than we actually are. Non-invasive, non-surgical rejuvenation treatments can correct age-related volume loss, restore volume and fullness, plump thin lips

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