Posts Tagged halo

Correct Summer Sun Damage

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We know what you did this summer… now it’s time to correct it! Summertime and the living is easy, right? Well, maybe not so easy on the skin.  Long, lazy days are filled with time outside enjoying the sunshine– maybe splashing in the surf, relaxing in the

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Get the HALO Glow


From runway paparazzi shots to red-carpet premieres, celebrities and jet-setters alike shimmer with glowing complexions of those privy to exclusive beauty secrets. That radiant face comes from time with a HALO… a HALO Laser Treatment engineered to transform skin and reduce the effects of sun exposure. Yet,

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The Full Spectrum of Healthy Skin

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Zapping away imperfections with a bright light or a laser beam conjures images from a sci-fi movie or superhero comic. But, harnessing the power of light and channeling the effects of certain rays have been a focus of advanced medical research for quite some time. Scientists continue

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Laser-Focused Enlightenment

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“halo |?h?l?|: mid-16th century (denoting a circle of light around the sun, etc.); From Latin halos/Greek hal?s  ‘disk of the sun or moon.” That face of yours … it lights up a room. Your face is a sculptural masterpiece — a miraculous creation of bone, cartilage, cells

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