Posts Tagged skin care

Chlorophyll – Does it Really Get Rid of Acne?

You may remember chlorophyll from your high school science class. It’s the rich, green pigment that gives plants their color. And while its essential to photosynthesis (the process where plants get energy from light and turn it into oxygen), chlorophyll is essential to all life on earth

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HydraFacial Hallelujah


“Introducing the latest, greatest, most-advanced, perfect _____ facial!” Hmmm, heard that before? How many times? Seen an ad or two or hundred?  Need a calculator and a minute to add that up? Yep, there are some good ones out there, and there are some that provide more

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Correct Summer Sun Damage

summer sun damage image

We know what you did this summer… now it’s time to correct it! Summertime and the living is easy, right? Well, maybe not so easy on the skin.  Long, lazy days are filled with time outside enjoying the sunshine– maybe splashing in the surf, relaxing in the

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Sunscreen, Love it Rain or Shine

woman with hat at the beach

“Did you pack the sunscreen? Apply sunscreen regularly. You must wear sunscreen every day! … And don’t forget to wear sunscreen.” Sunscreen, sunblock, sun protection, sun exposure, sun damage… these are the watchwords we’ve all heard (and hopefully heeded) for decades. We know that our skin is

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