Lower Facelift Double Chin Removal

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Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin with a Lower Facelift

The aging process often takes its toll on the lower face and neck relatively early, resulting in sagging skin and deep creases. A double chin may also appear, due more to skin and tissue laxity than actual weight gain. These concerns can all be effectively addressed through a lower facelift procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the lower face and neck area while tightening the underlying muscles and creating a more youthful facial profile.

What is a Lower Facelift?
A lower facelift is a surgical procedure that addresses aging concerns in the lower third of the face and the neck area. This procedure tightens underlying muscles, removes excess fat and tissue and tightens skin to reveal a more sculpted facial profile and a sleeker, smoother neckline. Dr. Burke Robinson performs lower facelifts in the safety of a surgical center certified by the prestigious Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) along with Physician Anesthesiologists, customizing the procedure to the customer’s specific concerns and desired outcome.

About the Procedure
To perform a lower facelift, Dr. Robinson usually makes an incision around the ear, which will be hidden in the crease of the earlobe and the groove behind the ear. The incisions allow access for Dr. Robinson to tighten facial muscles, while carefully removing loose, hanging skin to create a smoother, tighter jawline.

In addition, a very small incision below the skin allows for removal of excess fat by performing liposuction, in conjunction with also tightening the muscles in the neck. Total time for lower facelifts is typically 3 hours and performed using general or twilight anesthesia. A secure dressing is placed at the end of the procedure.

Patients are typically kept overnight in a private room of the surgical center with RN’s caring for them. The following morning the nurses will remove the dressing. Dr. Robinson will examine you and then discharge you to home. Oral medication easily controls any discomfort in the days following the procedure and most bruising and swelling usually subside within 2 weeks.

What are the Results Like?
After recovery from a lower facelift, patients are likely to see a more defined jawline and chin profile, as well as a smoother neck free of sagging skin and banding of the underlying muscle. The double chin look is typically gone, as a more youthful jawline takes its place. Jowling also is significantly improved or resolved – another telltale sign of the aging process.

The results of a lower facelift are long-lasting, with many patients enjoying results for a number of years before any type of touch-up treatment is needed. As age and gravity continue to take their toll, patients may eventually pursue a second lower facelift but are typically not necessary for 7-10 years. To learn more about your options in facelift procedures, contact Robinson Facial Plastic Surgery at 770-667-3090.