Endoscopic Brow Lift

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Brow Lift

Who is a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Good browlift candidates have begun to show significant signs of aging in the forehead region.  When considering a surgical brow lift procedure, candidates should first schedule a consultation with Dr. Robinson to fully assess the condition of the area.  Significant aging of the forehead region may be indicated by deep wrinkles (rhytids), heavy droopage (ptosis) of the brow, and extensive skin overhang at the upper eyelids.  Determining his approach based upon his examination, Dr. Robinson proceeds with either an endoscopic brow lift, suitable for mild to moderate conditions or a mid-forehead lift, necessary for severe ptosis or for a balding hairline with rhytids.

With brow lift surgery, Dr. Robinson delivers youthful, rejuvenated results to patients whose brows have lowered over time.


A furrowed brow and wrinkled forehead generate a fretful expression, making it seem as though you’re carrying the weight of the world…not on your shoulders, but on your face!  While advanced formulas of injectables present some non-surgical alternatives to rejuvenate the forehead and brow, these options are not permanent and may not impact the most serious cases; such instances may require a surgical brow lift.

Award-winning, Top Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Burke Robinson understands the complex structure of the face and is experienced in the most artistic methods to achieve natural-looking results when operating on the brow-line.

Dr. Robinson also improves the eyes’ appearance with this surgery.  By properly lifting the forehead, he opens the entire eye area, reducing the effects of a heavy, drooping brow.  Because of this effect, the brow lift often produces results similar to those available through Upper Eyelid Surgery.  The brow lift procedure is performed endoscopically, thereby avoiding hair loss, scalp numbness, and long, wide scars that are associated with the traditional coronal brow lift.  To determine which of these surgeries would result in the best improvement for you, we recommend that you Request a Consult with Dr. Robinson to discuss your best treatment options.

About Brow Lift Surgery

There are several surgical and non-surgical ways to rejuvenate the forehead and bring the eyebrows back into their proper position without that “surprised” look.  Dr. Robinson will be able to help you make an educated decision on what procedure would best achieve your desired look.

The time-tested cosmetic surgery procedure known as brow lift or forehead lift surgery addresses this specific problem.  Although the brow lift can be done as an isolated procedure, it is commonly performed in combination with blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).  Together these procedures help provide a more rejuvenated look to the entire upper face and forehead.

Dr. Robinson is experienced with two brow lift techniques – the endoscopic browlift & mid-forehead lift.

  • Endoscopic Browlift
    The endoscopic approach is appropriate for most patients with mild to moderate brow drooping.  Several short incisions are made in the scalp, concealed behind the hairline.  The tissue beneath the skin is examined using a tiny camera called an endoscope and the images projected onto a video monitor.  Next, Dr. Robinson accesses the tissue through those incisions, using a laser and specialized instruments to reposition the brow.  Then small, customized implants are positioned to support a natural shape during the healing process (not a tight, “surprised” look); these implants absorb gradually and seamlessly.
  • Mid-Forehead Lift
    With the mid-forehead lift, the incision is made in a natural forehead crease some distance above the eyebrow.  It is particularly useful in males with thin or balding hair and deep forehead rhytids (wrinkles).  Patients with deep wrinkles and significant brow ptosis (sagging) are good candidates for this technique.  After a small incision is made in the forehead crease, excess skin and tissue are removed, the underlying tissues are repositioned and tightened and the incision is closed with non-absorbable sutures.  Non-absorbable sutures diminish scarring in this area and are removed in five to seven days.  Scars are well hidden in a natural forehead crease and gradually fade and are unnoticeable over the ensuing weeks.  Advantages of this approach include the ability to conceal the incision in suitable candidates and a relatively predictable and long-lasting result.  The mid-forehead lift also corrects glabellar ptosis (sagging between the brows), improves skin laxity and forehead wrinkles, and eliminates crow’s feet.

Both types of brow lift surgery produce excellent results.  To learn which one would be most appropriate for addressing your needs, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Robinson for personalized browlift/forehead lift advice.

Recovery & Results

Most patients experience little discomfort and begin to feel comfortable within a few days after surgery.  Dr. Robison advises his patients spend a week at home in full rest to promote adequate recovery.  Simple post-operative care guidelines and a follow-up visit complete the procedure.

Brow lift and mid-forehead lift surgery, when performed by an experienced facial plastic surgeon such as Dr. Robinson, has extremely natural-looking results.  Patients are pleased with their new looks and often comment that they did not realize how much their drooping brows and lined foreheads detracted from their beauty until after having the lift.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today!
770-667-3090 or Request A Consultation

Atlanta's Finest Facial Plastic Surgeon


Burke Robinson, MD, FACS

Double Board Certified Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Dr. Burke Robinson is an award-winning Top Doctor with over 30 years of expertise dedicated exclusively to facial cosmetic surgery. Committed to helping patients achieve their dream appearance, Dr. Robinson is renowned for delivering stunning, natural-looking results. Known for his genuine compassion, honesty, and unwavering dedication to excellence, he has become one of the most trusted and respected cosmetic surgeons in the Atlanta area.

Located in Alpharetta, our RobinsonFPS team serves patients throughout the metro Atlanta area. Dr. Robinson performs all his surgeries at fully-accredited facilities — scheduling at either Northside Alpharetta Surgery Center or Atlanta Outpatient Surgery Center.

At Robinson Facial Plastic Surgery, our priority is YOU, the patient. We look forward to helping you!

Brow Lift September 8, 2017