The “V-shaped” shape of the face is a popular choice, particularly among Asian women today. This silhouette of the face gives it a slimmer and more youthful heart shape, with more fullness in the cheeks and a narrower jawline and chin. The rise of the V-shape in Asian cultures has migrated to others looking to achieve that flattering face shape as well. For those that were not blessed with the profile they wanted, Dr. Robinson can often help them achieve their goals through a straightforward surgical approach known as chin augmentation.
Benefits of Chin Augmentation
Your chin may not be the first place you think of when you consider plastic surgery, but subtle alterations in this area can have a profound impact on the facial profile overall. Adding fullness and definition to the chin can create a more youthful jawline and bring balance to the facial features. At the same time, enhancing the shape of the chin can also enhance the entire facial profile as the first step in producing the coveted V-shape to the face.
The Implant Approach
Dr. Robinson typically uses a synthetic implant to create more prominence and definition to the chin. These implants are crafted of a biocompatible material and designed to look and feel like natural tissue. They also come in an array of shapes and sizes to accommodate nearly any facial profile. The implants are placed into the chin area using a small incision made underneath the chin, where visible scarring after surgery will be minimal.
Chin implants are placed in an outpatient procedure and can be done either under local anesthesia with sedation, or a very brief general anesthetic. Most patients are able to return to regular activities within a week or less after the procedure. The results of chin augmentation are permanent.
Further Enhancements
For some patients, chin augmentation is sufficient to provide them with the facial shape they are looking for. However, others may find that combining chin augmentation with another procedure can further enhance the results. Some of the options might include:
Cheek Implants
In some cases, cheek implants may also be added to give the midface additional fullness/projection while slimming down the lower face. This procedure involves incisions inside the mouth, in which Dr. Robinson can place implants of the same material but different options for size and shape. Like the chin implants, cheek implants are considered a permanent improvement to the shape of the face.
Injectable Treatments
Patients may also find that injectable treatments can also effectively enhance the midface area by restoring youthful volume that may have been lost through the aging process. While this non-surgical approach involves less discomfort and downtime, it is also a temporary solution that must be repeated once or twice a year to maintain the results.
Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery may also be performed with chin augmentation. Dr. Robinson may recommend this approach if the new chin shape threatens to throw the balance between chin and nasal projection out of proportion. Changes to the nose at the same time as the chin can ensure their relationship is kept in balance. Dr. Robinson will commonly use the 3-D imaging system in the office to assess this, as well as show these changes in advance of your surgery.
Achieving a V-shaped face is possible through a number of options today. To find out if you are a good candidate for chin augmentation or learn more about any of the other procedures mentioned here, contact Robinson Facial Plastic Surgery at 770-667-3090.