Patients travel from around the globe to take advantage of Dr. Burke Robinson’s expertise and experience in facial plastic surgery procedures. If you are one of those patients traveling a significant distance for your procedure, there are ways to ensure your medical trip is as safe and successful as possible. We have a list of dos and don’ts for you to keep in mind as you plan for your surgery.
Do Ask about the Surgeon’s Qualifications
No matter where your surgeon of choice is located, it is important to do your homework regarding training, experience and qualifications in facial plastic surgery for your specific procedure. Board certification from a reputable organization such as The American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is a must. Referrals from previous patients are also good criteria to use when selecting a surgeon. Of course this is difficult to obtain living out of state, so check online reviews posted by patients on reputable review sites such as RealSelf, Google +, RateMD’s, etc…
Don’t Choose a Surgeon Based on Price Alone
One advantage to traveling for your plastic surgery may be to have the procedure in an area where prices on surgical procedures are lower. However, it is never a good idea to select your surgeon based on price alone. Certainly surgeons in certain parts of the country will charge more for the same procedure based on local competition. And while cost is an important factor to consider, make your choice based on the surgeon’s qualifications first and foremost. Revision surgery of an initial procedure that didn’t turn out well is always far more expensive than paying for reliable quality from the start.
Do Give Yourself Time Before Your Procedure
If possible, arrive at your destination at least a couple of days prior to your procedure. This gives you a chance to get settled into your temporary accommodations and meet with the surgeon and staff beforehand, and become familiar with the location of the surgery center. You can also tie up any loose ends or complete paperwork with the surgeon’s office, all with the goal of a stress-free procedure day.
Don’t Schedule Your Trip Home too Soon
At the same time, schedule a week or two after your procedure to give your body time to recuperate before another long travel day. This also allows your surgeon time to monitor your recovery and address any possible complications that might arise. Each procedure has a different healing time and immediate postop visits before travel is advised, so make sure to get a specific answers to this by phone ahead of time before scheduling your return trip home.
Do Bring a Trusted Friend or Family Member with You
After your procedure, you will likely need some help from a trusted family member or friend for the first few days of your recovery. Bring someone with you on your trip that can stay in your hotel room with you, and handle any needs that might arise. This person will also ensure you make it safely to your follow-up appointments and can contact the surgeon if any problems arise.
Dr. Robinson is accustomed to seeing patients from all over the world, his staff can help you with travel arrangements, including discounted hotel rates for out-of-town patients. To learn more, contact Robinson Facial Plastic Surgery at 770-667-3090.