5 Questions to Ask Your Rhinoplasty Surgeon


Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed today. This surgical procedure effectively enhances the appearance of the nose by altering its size, shape or position. If you are considering rhinoplasty, we have five important questions to ask your plastic surgeon before you schedule your procedure.

Are you board-certified?

Board certification from a reputable organization like the American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS) lets you know the surgeon is committed to the highest level of care and training of the nose and face in his practice. Typically, most surgeon’s with ABFPRS certification are already certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology (ENT) which is an additional 4 years of nasal training.  Certification in both of these Boards reflect a high degree of education and training in rhinoplasty surgery, as well as ongoing personal surgical experience to ensure the surgeon keeps abreast of the latest techniques in his field.

How many rhinoplasty procedures have you performed?

A surgeon may say he performs rhinoplasty, but that doesn’t mean he performs them on a weekly, or even a monthly, basis. Don’t be afraid to ask a surgeon how many rhinoplasty surgeries he has performed over the past year, or how many of these procedures he averages each month. Also be specific that the numbers do not include septoplasty or sinus surgery cases which ARE NOT rhinoplasties.  Choosing an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon ensures your procedure will be tailored to your specific needs and desired outcome.

Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

Find out why the surgeon thinks rhinoplasty is the right procedure for you. A responsible surgeon will perform a thorough medical history and examination to determine if there are any factors that could impair the safety and efficacy of your procedure. Also, all noses are different, and your goals may not be achievable e.g. skin thickness, ethnicity, etc…  The surgeon should also provide you with a realistic idea of what to expect from your procedure, in terms of both recovery and results. Typically a rhinoplasty surgeon will use video imaging to help a patient see what results might look like.

What surgical technique do you recommend for my procedure?

Rhinoplasty can be performed using a variety of techniques. Closed rhinoplasty involves incisions inside the nostril to avoid any visible scarring after the procedure. Open rhinoplasty uses an incision in the tissue between the nostrils. While this technique leaves a tiny visible scar, it may be recommended for more complex nose surgeries. Your surgeon should b able to explain the specific technique recommended and why it is the right choice for you.

What type of support do you provide during the recovery process?

Although recovery from rhinoplasty can be relatively quick, it is important to have support from your surgeon and staff to ensure the best possible recovery and results. You want to know someone will be available to answer your questions during the recovery process, and a place to go in case you experience any complications after the procedure.

Dr. Burke Robinson is experienced in all types of rhinoplasty procedures and strives to give patients results that are both natural and beautiful. He works with each patient to ensure the surgery is tailored to the patient’s specific concerns. To learn more about rhinoplasty, contact Robinson Facial Plastic Surgery at 770-667-3090.