Skincare techniques and procedures often fall in and out of trend, with certain procedures becoming increasingly popular for a few years, before suddenly being called into question again. The truth is that everyone’s skin is unique, and the procedure that works best for some will never be the holy grail for everyone! The light at the end of this tunnel full of twists and turns is that the more technology and science improves, the more we are able to customize procedures to meet individual patients’ needs. One such highly customizable procedure is the chemical peel.
Chemical peels can get a bad reputation, with horror stories about dry, red skin and never-ending peeling popping up in those pesky clickbait ads whenever we least expect it. However, under the supervision of a fully licensed and experienced esthetician like our very own, Heather Davis, LE, negative experiences are very few, and very far between. Join us as we debunk some more chemical peel myths!
What is a chemical peel?
At our Visage Skin Care & Laser Center in Alpharetta, GA, we offer a variety of medical-grade chemical peels, the safest and most effective for your skin. Each of these different varieties works around a specific active ingredient, including exfoliating acids, brightening antioxidants, and more. Your skin will be cleansed, and then the chemical peel will be applied topically to your skin.
What are the benefits of a chemical peel?
Chemical peels can be tailored specifically to meet the needs of any individual patient’s skin. They can stimulate collagen production, improve acne, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve overall skin tone and texture, reduce the appearance of acne scars or discoloration, and more.
One of the primary differences from one chemical peel to the next is which layer of skin the peel targets. The deeper the target layer of skin, the longer the healing process, but also the more significant the results. Light (or superficial) chemical peels have little to no downtime, with mild pinkness and little flaking in the following weeks. Patients who receive deeper chemical peels may experience residual redness for a longer amount of time, along with more significant or more visible flaking of the skin.
When this outer layer of the skin is removed by the chemical peel process, it allows newer, brighter, and otherwise less blemished skin to shine through!
How should I incorporate a chemical peel into my skincare routine?
Chemical peels are the perfect solution for anyone looking to improve their skin texture and maintain it over time. They’re an excellent exfoliating step and can have impressive long-term benefits for the vast majority of patients. Heather Davis, LE, our skincare expert will consult with you and advise you as to how chemical peels best fit into your skincare routine, but light chemical peels can typically be performed every month, or every other month, while deeper chemical peels are recommended for a frequency of around every four to six months.
Schedule a consultation with our team today to get your first chemical peel on the books and learn how transformative these treatments truly are!